Saturday, June 30, 2012

OK, so my title comes from A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and the addy from Aristophanes's Wasps. In Forum the cup of mare's sweat is a rare item sought to make a magic potion. In Wasps Phobokleon represents the Athenian democratic (in a nice way I mean) virtues which are threatened by the Dictator Kleon who, among other things, seeks to make free citizens dependent on is largesse so that they'll vote his way. Since Athens was a direct democracy Kleon could thus corrupt government and the populace in one fell swoop. In a republic like that of Rome or the USA one needs must take a two-pronged approach to attain the same end.

Since the Great Depression of the last century those who believe in a dominant central state and planned economy have been carrying out such an approach, capitalizing on crises to extend control by the central government and economic dependence on that government among the people.

"A Cup of Mare's Sweat" immodestly hopes to post news, ideas, and arguments to counter this attack on our founding principles of Liberty and Enterprise. Magic potion? Probably not, but perhaps a palatable alternative to much of what we're asked to swallow will.