Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dare to be healthy

We recognize that Social Security has devolved from a system of pay-in and then reap a return to one where current payers support payees while the securities that supposedly support the trust are mortgaged to the point of uselessness. In essence SSI has become a pyramid scheme and our national demographics are shifting to invert that pyramid.

Rather than learn from this serious issue, ACA was built as a pyramid scheme, i.e. it's dependent on a base of payers who would place few or no demands on the system. The issue Will discusses here is a "loophole" that will allow members of the proposed base to escape the role of payer while payee demands will grow and, perhaps, spike upwards dramatically (flu pandemic, anyone?). Some have argued (even cheered) the idea that this flaw is a deliberate choice to break private insurers and force us to a single-provider system.

In any case, as George Will points out, we're robbing Peter to pay Paul after arming Peter with a riot gun.

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